No Football Sunday (November 2, 2014)

Lately there has been a persistent effort to stamp out any form of Christianity from the game of football. This year alone, there have been numerous reports of high school and college programs blocking any Christian icons, references and prayers during practices or games. This is not just limited to high school and college. Recently, a well publicized admonishment of a football player occurred at a pro football news conference. A prominent quarterback wore a t-shirt to the press conference professing his Christian faith; he was ordered by the league to turn the shirt inside out or receive a fine.

I created this Facebook page to encourage all true red-blooded Christians to take a stand by observing a bi-week fast from watching football. Just like each pro-football team takes a week off each season, so I am encouraging all Christians to take a Sunday off from watching any games. Football has a strong fan base of Christian supporters, arguably well in the millions. Use this Sunday, November 2nd (All Saints Day on the Church calendar) to spend time your family: go to the beach or park, play a ball game with your kids, go visit your grandparents, have lunch with a church group, take your Church choir to visit a home for the elderly…whatever you can do to spread the love of Christ and bless others. This is not a protest. But it is a public invitation to respond to a movement bent on removing Christ from our culture.

I invite you to share your pictures of your bi-week events and stories on this page. Let’s have some fun, create some memories, and glorify Christ Who is the source of our salvation and hope.

To log on the the No Football Sunday Facebook group click on the following link:

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