Mission Statement

Just as the Israelites were anticipating the first coming of the Messiah, Christians today are in anticipation of His second coming. Until that Day comes, the Great Commission commanded to us by Christ before His ascension (Matt 28:18-20) is to go out and preach to all nations, that is to everyone. There is no greater blessing than to bring the Kingdom of God to the sick, the lost, the lowly, and the down-trodden. With this blog, I hope to reach all who are in need of ‘Blessed Assurance’, and encourage those who are just seeking to strengthen their spiritual lives (myself included) with the daily reflections. I pray also that the content and postings on this blog are of God’s will and are pleasing unto Him. Please join with me on this journey, and as we labor on in joyful anticipation of the Messiah, we pray, ‘Come Lord Jesus Come!’

JR Tracey

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