I am Pro-facts

Fact: Human instinct is to be spiritually and naturally Pro-life.

Every human is a Pro-life being.  If you say you are Pro-choice, you are deceiving yourself, and worse yet, contributing to the deception that increases the fatality rate of unborn children. From the moment that every man or woman is conceived, the critically common thing between each person, is the struggle to stay alive.  Human reproductive cells, in the survival-of-the-fittest fight to live, become zygotes that continue fight to stay alive. This is an indisputable, natural, ingrained fact of the human DNA. So then I ask this question, if we struggle so much to say alive, from our very conception, and every moment thereafter, why would we purposefully yank that right and natural process from any other human, born or unborn?  The deliberate act of interrupting another person’s ability to follow this survival pathway is an egregious violation of that person’s natural right to stay alive and flies in the face of the Creator.

A Pro-choice stance actually defaults to mean that you are Pro-death. In embracing a Pro-choice position, you are actually trying to equate life and death with the same standard. This is not possible, as good and evil cannot be accepted within the same domain.  So it’s either you support life or you support death, but the two cannot be married.  In other words, the term Pro-choice is an oxymoron or even an antithesis. Which one of you are willing to rationally have your life aborted at any given moment as an option or a means to an end?  Whatever the social circumstances might be, if God chooses to create a life within, He is sovereign to do so. Rich or poor, within the confines of marriage or not, with the old or young, medically and mentally fit or not, timely or untimely, who are we to refute God’s sovereignty and condemn that person to death?  

If you consider yourself Pro-choice, Then I urge you to consider these two passages of Scripture:

‭Mark ‭12:26-27‬ ‭

“Now about the dead rising—have you not read in the Book of Moses, in the account of the burning bush, how God said to him, ‘I am the God of Abraham, the God of Isaac, and the God of Jacob’? He is not the God of the dead, but of the living. You are badly mistaken!”

Fact:  All those innocent ones who were aborted have returned to the Lord, and are living souls in His presence.

You must keep this in mind as you take a stance to support abortion.  We must be mindful of this fact if you decide to support, ignore or even attempt to explain the killing of babies away as unfortunate, but necessary.  Consider that every one of those aborted children is now with the Lord.  They are all alive in The Lord! They are not dead in the presence of the Lord.  Abortion is not the end all; it is certainly not the end of the child.  In other words, we are not rid of the children we abort. If you thought otherwise, you are badly mistaken!  This fact should make us shiver. Anyone who is an unrepentant participant, supporter, or has an indifferent approach to the act of abortion, please understand that these children are witnesses against such people in the presence of their Maker.

Revelation 6:9-11

“When he opened the fifth seal, I saw under the altar the souls of those who had been slain because of the word of God and the testimony they had maintained. They called out in a loud voice, “How long, Sovereign Lord, holy and true, until you judge the inhabitants of the earth and avenge our blood?” Then each of them was given a white robe, and they were told to wait a little longer, until the full number of their fellow servants, their brothers and sisters, were killed just as they had been.”

Every moment of your lives is spent struggling to survive. Therefore, you are Pro-life! None of us struggles to die, which confirm that none of us wants anything to do with death.  Yet we find it prudent to support a practice that purposefully brings death into the most defenseless and innocent among us.  Because of this bipolar approach to these little ones in the womb, we are condemning ourselves, as our very existence is a testimony of our knowledge that life is precious as we fervently struggle to maintain it. Each one of those aborted babies is a holy witness against the unrepentant inhabitants of the earth, where their blood were spilled amid their struggle to live.  In other words, they were struggling to live just as we are, even in the womb.

In the presence of the sovereign Lord, this act may be no different from the murder of Abel, when the Lord said to Cain, “What have you done? Listen! Your brother’s blood cries out to me from the ground.” (‭Genesis ‭4:10‬) So will the blood of the aborted, along with the blood of martyrs, and those who were unjustly killed, cry out to the Lord against us.

What have we done, aborting our babies under the banners of Pro-choice? A “laundered” title to whitewash what it real is; Pro-death!  Are there really any life situations that would justify the deliberate and wanton death of a child?

Fact:  Abortion is the taking the life of a Child!

Fr. Jerome R. Tracey

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