Pope’s Visit

So the Pope is visiting this side of the world.  The media is all giddy with reporters run back and forth trying to get a shot of what color shoes the Pope is wearing.  (I was told the tradition is red shoe…this Pope broke tradition and wore black. My shoes are always black, so I have no problem with his choice).  Politicians are fighting each over what he said and didn’t say. Democrats are on the left, Republicans are on the right (well…nothing new here, moving on). President invited gay, transgender and pro-choice leaders to greet the Pope, with a chorus singing the gospel song; Total Praise (The President always try to marry holiness with immorality….I believe the Pope fell a sleep during that rendition). The average citizens are complaining about the traffic nightmare (nothing new here either).  Fiat in America is like “Cha Ching” because the Pope rode in their 500L model (I believe the “L” standards for luxury).  My FB page is all lit up, with Protestants saying, he is merely a man and Catholic saying, he is the holy father. (What do you say?…We may need a third category)

My only question is this; why did channel 10 interrupted the Hurricanes, Cornhuskers game, to broadcast the Pope’s arrival in Cuba?

With all that said, notice all of the above, have nothing to do with JESUS.

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