Global Warming or Global Warnings

The term “Global Warming” is used to describe the phenomenon of the persistent rising of the earth’s temperatures which serve as a catalyst for disastrous weather conditions and ultimately the impending doom of mankind. I dare say, what we are facing today is not global warming, but rather ‘Global Warnings’!

For the past two decade or so, one of the most talked about topic amongst the political and intellectual elites, is the claim that the earth, or if you want to refer to it as the globe, is in a persistent warming trend.  A warming trend, purportedly caused by environmental pollution, that they claim will eventually threaten the very existence of all living creatures and life as we know it.

This claim, of Global Warming, even though there is no solid scientific proof or any consistent data to confirm that such danger is imminent, has been championed by many, and is taught in many learning institutions as facts.  Politicians have used this claim as a major talking point in their political debates.  So there is no doubt that many are captivated with the notion, that this Global Warming claim, is a clear and present danger to the earth as we know it. Environmental pollution is real and dangerous; global warming is another thing altogether.

To clarify things a bit, and to put this bandwagon movement into perspective, we turn to the Scriptures and frame our conclusion as we study facts and historical data. The temperatures of this same globe have gone through many fluctuations in the past. There are many evidences and data that support these temperature changes.  Nothing that is happening now is new. Disastrous and unpredictable weather conditions have plagued the earth since the Fall.  You see, all of God’s creation was affected because of the fall of Adam and Eve, it wasn’t just man who had to deal with the effects of sin.  The environment and the natural world also had to endure pain and hardship.

Genesis 3:17-18

“Cursed is the ground because of you; through painful toil you will eat food from it all the days of your life.   It will produce thorns and thistles for you, and you will eat the plants of the field.”

Ever notice that when we are hit with a devastating weather event, the experts will always compare it with the past? The experts will research history, find a similar event and make comparisons, in many cases even to make predictions regarding future events. It is common to hear stories from patriarchs of villages as they tell tales of past disasters and how they overcame the effects; they do this to help prepare the following generations for these natural disasters. Think about it, when Hurricane Andrew hit Florida in the 1990s, they said it was the worst hurricane to hit us since the great hurricanes of the 1920s. No one claimed  global warming was a threat in the 1920s.  We know, as fact, that sea levels rise and fall over the centuries. There are claims that Florida was once under water. Whether the past rise and fall in sea levels was the result of warmer temperatures in the North or South, I don’t know. I doubt the experts have a sure answer themselves.  Here is my observation: if the government and the people want to build their houses on the sand for their pleasure, don’t blame Global Warming when the sea returns and reclaims what is rightfully hers.  If you believe that the sea was there before, maybe we should expect it to return some day.

Romans 8:22

“We know that the whole creation has been groaning as in the pains of childbirth right up to the present time.”

I urge you to look into the history of weather phenomenon; you will see that from the beginning of time, there were great floods, devastating droughts, destructive hurricanes and tornadoes, volcano eruptions, earthquakes and tsunami that made the ones of Japan and Indonesia seem like a wading pool. The story of Joseph tells about a drought that lasted seven years. How about the times of the great depression? Remember the dust bowl that severely affected the breadbasket of the U.S.? That was In the 1930s. With all these historical evidences, I would draw the conclusion that great weather disasters are nothing new for this Old World. Man has always lived with the fear of weather catastrophes to come threatening lives and livelihoods.

Well, guess what? The Global Warming alarm- sounding folks may have a point after all. They may be right in some ways. The globe WILL see more frequent and devastating weather phenomena.  But the true cause will not necessarily be because of man’s pollution of the earth.  The disasters will come upon us because of another age old issue: man’s sinful nature. Just like the days of Sodom and Gomorrah and the day of Noah, God will bring great destruction upon the earth through breathtaking weather phenomenon. In the time of Noah, the entire world, people, and all other living things were destroyed, leaving just the occupants of the ark to repopulate the globe; so will be in the last days.

Luke 21:25-26

“There will be signs in the sun, moon and stars. On the earth, nations will be in anguish and perplexity at the roaring and tossing of the sea.  People will faint from terror, apprehensive of what is coming on the world, for the heavenly bodies will be shaken. ”

Now, here is my explanation on why I believe that this perceived increase in weather disaster  should be viewed and observed through the lenses of Global Warnings not Global Warming.  This current weather turmoil should be a reminder to us, that God will not sit idly by and watch this world go into a freefall of moral decay without His intervention.

We now live in a time when behaviors that are most abhorrent to the Lord are being normalized as being natural.  Gay marriage is now sweeping the world, and is being accepted and propelled as a normal lifestyle. The U.S. Supreme Court has legalized same sex marriage under the civil rights title, and our President celebrated this ruling with a rainbow display on the White House. History will show, that this very date that the Supreme Court announced the ruling, was. one of great  significance in the history of the United States and the world. On that date, our President stood in his seat of secular power and praised the same-sex marriage ruling, giving the proclamation his complete and unequivocal support. A few hours later, the AME Church’s Bishop turned over the pulpit to the President  to preach at the funeral of a pastor who had been brutally killed along with other members of his congregation. It was a painful time for our country, and the people were hungry for a healing Word. Every major U.S. News network and even international news feeds carried both the same sex marriage press conference and the funeral events live on this highly unusual day.  The President took the pulpit, relinquished to him by the bishop, and used it to preached  a form of gospel that was mixed political themes. He had the world in rapt attention as his stage, and he performed for them, giving the crowd what their itching ears wanted to hear. Then he left that funeral, went back to Washington and lit up the White House, the people’s house, in the pirated colors of the rainbow. I believe the events on that day, were significant in the spiritual realm. Many adoring fans of the President were mesmerized by him on that day as they became convinced that the legalization of same-sex marriage was the right thing to do. People updated their social media statuses with the rainbow insignia along with the slogan, “Love Wins”! How could it not be love? After all, it is supported by a leader who is the most successful civil rights promoter of the present time.  Many were caught up by his preaching in the AME Church’s pulpit and the climatic singing of ‘Amazing Grace’ at the end. It was indeed mesmerizing!  The masses now see him as a godsend and will accept everything he says,and approve and support all his policies.

For the first time in known history, the legalization of gay marriage was approved by a populous vote. This happened in Ireland, and the result was a landslide. A landslide in a country that most thought could not happen; a country that is known for her strict conservative Catholic values. There are now gay parades in Israel, the Holy Land, on an annual basis. Jamaica has had the strongest stance against the normalization of the gay lifestyle in this hemisphere. However, that is now changing rapidly. The gay society just had a parade on Emancipation Day, a special holiday set aside to commemorate the abolition of slavery.  Again,  this sinful lifestyle is trying to hitch a ride on the moral cause of the civil rights movement in order, to launch their immoral behavioral preferences.  We are now seeing the confusing acceptance of other sexual titles in Western societies. Provisions and laws are being passed to accommodate sexual categories such as: bisexuals, asexual, transsexuals. Who know what other categories will be introduced!

The ill effects of pornography on society is not even being considered anymore.  It is now freely and readily accessible on the internet and social media.  In other words, one don’t have to go searching for it anymore.  It just pops up on whatever media device you are on, oftentimes in the form of commercial.  Marriage among heterosexual are on the decline. The shacking-up lifestyle is now the new norm for this new generation.  This new form of the modern family is so deliberate, the practice of giving children two last names, both the father’s and the Mother’s, has become more popular.  This is so because the father and mother are not one in Holy Matrimony, they each vie to have the child symbolically identified as theirs, separately. 

Abortion, and the purposeful killing of the most innocent among us, is a legal practice in many developed countries. Recently, the biggest promoter of pro-choice, Planned Parenthood, was exposed in its practice of harvesting the body parts of the aborted babies for sale. They were so entrenched in their practice of organ harvesting that they have now established market pricing for the different body parts! Nations are adopting the abortion practice as a means to reduce crimes. Yes, that statement is correct! I recently listened to a member of the Jamaican parliament, who gave a speech on the legalization of abortion on the island nation. She said that data in the states of America, that legalized abortion, has shown a significant reduction in crime. She believes that by promoting abortion for low income, single, pregnant women, would prevent a potential criminal from becoming a reality. Unimaginable!

Nations are discussing the viability of the elderly, handicapped, and the terminally ill, whether it’s financially sound to prolong their lives. Some countries have gone as far as to legalize and encourage euthanasia.  A clause to stop the care of the elderly was quietly included in the national healthcare bill in the United States.  This death clause was one of the necessary additions for the new healthcare bill to be financially viable.  It was taken out after there was an uproar, spearheaded by the evangelical community.

Prayers were taken out of school and is completely eradicated from the learning institutions throughout the nations. Even the proven truth of Biblical history is not taught any more.  We are now raising the most ungodly generation of all time. A generation whose value standards are influenced by the internet and its many false publishers.  The  poor, on up to the lower middle class, is becoming more and more dependent on the government to sustain and supply their needs. This dependence on government results in a greater, ballooning sector of society that is beholden to government standards rather than the Church’s, the custodian of God Holy word and decrees.

Then there is the most devastating tragedy of all that is added to all this evil expanding throughout society: The Church is increasingly operating in the same fiduciary manner as the world.  The Church, in too many cases, has become a house of profit and gluttony, while they ignore the lost, the poor, the widowed and the orphans. Many false teachers are raising up mega-churches and teaching a form of gospel that is not the one handed down to us by the true eyewitnesses, the disciples, who walked with our Lord during His time on earth.  Many churches have now bought into the slogan “Love Wins!”, instead of teaching the truth, that any behavior outside of God’s holy standards is not love and will summarily lead to condemnation and destruction.

News of wars and the rumors of wars, have become common and standard reports by the media. The different elements about these wars is that they are fueled by ideological beliefs. The result of this type of war? Endless blood shed, as there are no political or diplomatic solutions to agree on. Then we have the twenty four hours per day media  and social network, piping all the horrors of these wars throughout the world, into the minds and psyches of the young. The result is a generation who has gotten desensitized to evil. The practice of beheadings and burning people alive is only a mesmerizing click away for all to view.

Matthew 24:3-8

As Jesus was sitting on the Mount of Olives, the disciples came to him privately. “Tell us,” they said, “when will this happen, and what will be the sign of your coming and of the end of the age?” Jesus answered: “Watch out that no one deceives you.  For many will come in my name, claiming, ‘I am the Messiah,’ and will deceive many.  You will hear of wars and rumors of wars, but see to it that you are not alarmed. Such things must happen, but the end is still to come.  Nation will rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom. There will be famines and earthquakes in various places.  All these are the beginning of birth pains.

Is it possible that we are now experiencing the birth pains?  Well, I don’t know. However I do know of this statement from our Lord: “When these things are happening, we should look up because our redemption draws near.”

Isn’t it ironic that the people who are crying and shouting Global Warming, are the same people who champion the implementation of all these immoralities into society.  They are the progressive movement and social engineering zealots who pushed and supported  the immoral and ungodly social standards. These are the same evil that has been made known throughout Scripture. The kind of evil that aroused the anger of our Lord!  We have read throughòut Biblical històry, how God had stirred up the weather and other natural disasters to rid the world of these sinful ways.  In other words, the social zealots are defying God’s holy word, and practicing what is an abomination to our Lord. Then they run through and about the globe, making unsubstantiated claims that the world is in grave danger because of the polluting actions of man. They are oblivious to the spiritual carnage and destruction that is being manifested in the physical. All of which is the result of the their social engineering practices.

These foolish progressive movement people run around saying they are champions of the environment.  They have taken a strong, and sometimes, combative stance against those whom they accuse of not caring for the environment. This could be just the distraction the devil wants. Satan’s goal is to lead God’s people astray when the end-time signs are evident.  Distract them from knowing the true reasons for the impending natural disasters, Distract them from what the Bible has already prophesied will happen. Many will turn and accuse their fellow man, believing that these zealots were right when they say: “it is the capitalistic ways of man that is the cause of the weather turmoil.”  Their anger against capitalism will be so convincing, that they will miss the true reasons for the unusual weather conditions that have come upon the world. All will forget the prophesy of Christ, when He imparted these words as record in the Gospels:

Luke 21:25-28 NIV

“There will be signs in the sun, moon and stars. On the earth, nations will be in anguish and perplexity at the roaring and tossing of the sea.  People will faint from terror, apprehensive of what is coming on the world, for the heavenly bodies will be shaken.  At that time they will see the Son of Man coming in a cloud with power and great glory.  When these things begin to take place, stand up and lift up your heads, because your redemption is drawing near.”

How many will remember the words of our Lord, for us to ‘lift up our heads’?  I am afraid, because of the rhetoric being spewed by many, including the world leaders amongst us, that many will turn to others in search of who is to blame. People will probably run around with accusations as to who is at fault. They will surely miss the message that it is the great sins of man that is causing the manifestation of these events.  The very people who normalized the immoral practices and increase the sins on the globe, these same people will be the ones who will mislead people regarding the true cause of the coming disastrous weather and unusual natural events.  They will cause the masses to miss or reject the prophetic words of Christ Jesus as recorded in the Gospels.

2 Peter 1:16

For we did not follow cleverly devised stories when we told you about the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ in power, but we were eyewitnesses of his majesty.

So my advice to the Church: do not get caught up in the Global Warming rhetoric.  We do know that catastrophic weather changes will happen.  Whether the physical workings of man, such as pollution, will play a part in the cause of the impending natural disasters is certainly debatable.  However, the Church should not lose sight that all is caused  by man’s sinful nature.  Sins of a spiritual nature will manifest in physical form, to be a sign for those who operate in the natural world without the spiritual knowledge of Christ.

The Church knows, and should prepare the people that the real issue here is not Global Warming.  The true message is Global Warnings.  The Warnings that man will eventually have to come into the direct presence of the True and Just God.  And make account for his actions.

J. R. Tracey +

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