Evolving Standards

So, here I am sitting and relaxing in my living room, channel surfing, as us men do.  I stopped at the first channel that had the news on, just happened to be ABC World News, and they had a special report on about same sex marriage.  Now, usually my first instinct is to avoid posting any political issues on my blog, but every now and then, a topic of moral concern triggers a response because of its importance and the impact it can have on society and the spiritual implication it could have on the future generations.  Unless you have been on vacation or tucked away on some nature preserve without media access, you should at least have some inclination of the hot topic on all the news networks this week.  The whole thing started when our Vice President gave an arousing approval for the institution of gay marriage, a statement that thrust the nation into a fire storm of debates on the homosexual issue.  The culmination was an equally arousing response from our President letting us know his position on the matter.

Well, whatever the President’s previous position was…we now know for sure that he has “evolved” from whatever it was.  Yes, evolved. We have now entered into an evolution of philosophy that has surely moved this country into a moral dilemma with far-reaching effects for generations to come.  This response from the President gave the media a topic to run with for the week, and ran they did.  The debate did not end last week. This week, news magazine Newsweek had a picture of the President on the cover with a rainbow halo over his head:  headline?  “The First Gay President”.  Notice the two symbols used:  rainbow; halo…Satan sure knows how to use the signs of the Kingdom to mock believers and trick the lost.  (But this is not the point of my story, maybe in another article).  So ABC decided to do this feel good story on the evolution of marriage and the evolution of the family.  In their “feel good” story, the writers embarked on a quest to normalize same sex marriage. That is all good; they do have the right to report as they see fit. But the part of their reporting that really irked me is how they went about trying to prove their point.  They compared it to interracial marriage! In other words, they are saying that just as Americans are now, more than ever, accepting interracial marriage, so they are also coming around to accept same sex marriage.  True,  interracial marriages were difficult to accept by some because of their racist views, but we are missing a very important point here…two people, a man and a woman, from different races, falling in love and marrying each other, is not strange or weird!  Most important of all, it is not an abomination to God’s order for mankind.  There are notable interracial marriages throughout Scripture, and nowhere in the Bible is it recorded that interracial marriage is wrong!   However, we do know for sure that Scripture made it clearly known just how much of an abomination it is to engage in same sex marriages, relationships or even to support the behavior.

Gay rights advocates have zeroed in on the Civil Rights Movement as a comparison to their cause.  This is so wrong; both causes are not the same. The Civil Rights Movement was a fight for the equal rights and justice of an entire race of people who were enslaved, marginalized, and even told they were not one hundred percent human, all because of their physical appearance…how God made them.  A man cannot wake up one morning and decide to change his race or physical appearance.  Your skin color is not a choice, nor do you have a say so as to who gives birth to you.  Being gay is a choice; a behavior you choose to engage in.  The comparison of the two is an insult to the Civil Right Movement; it is just not the same.  It is really troubling that this comparison was NOT swiftly condemned and discredited by the civil right leaders of today. As a matter of fact, most of the civil right leaders are now inviting the Gay Movement in to their midst and have openly endorsed the homosexual cause as the same kind of struggle African Americans faced.  The Civil Rights Movement was a noble cause designed to gain justice for an entire race of people, who were made in the image of God, and who had suffered greatly because of their skin color…a movement that was birthed and propelled forward with the word of God, by the people of God, of all races…a movement with the strength of its foundation in Christ.  Why would we take what was built on the strength of the Lord and marry it with what is an abomination to the Lord?  Would that not bring condemnation to the noble cause of the Civil Rights Movement?  Just this week, Rev. Jesse Jackson and Rev. Al Sharpton urged pastors to stand behind the president and support same sex marriage…take note of who they are directing their message to…PASTORS…the heart of the Church, the guardians of the flock, the keepers of the Word! This is a satanic assault against the Kingdom of God.

It is not my business what your political affiliation is, nor should it be.  My plea to you, Christian brothers and sisters, is to preserve the holiness of the Church, guard the Word of God, protect the sanctity of the sanctuary.  The Church is the beacon of light for the world; we stand in the gap for the nations…our prayers and worship are the buffers that keep hell from over running the world.  If the Church is corrupt, then who will God send? Who will answer His call? Who will go and do His will?  Often times, we use the term “know your history so you do not repeat it”.  At this very moment, history is reminding us of Sodom and Gomorrah, Babylon, and Rome…all great civilizations, all powerful and formidable in their own strength…all fallen because of immorality and Godlessness. May God help us.

J R Tracey

One thought on “Evolving Standards

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  1. Man’s laws doesn’t override God laws! For every decision made there is a consequence (good or bad! Let see how this turn out!

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